Thursday 4 October 2012

Fine Art Photography.

For my fine Art photography I wanted to do a photograph that had a message. For this project i wanted to do something around Women (and men), are more than just pieces of meat.  

First of all I searched the internet for a theme and came across this. I needed the image to be shocking enough to make you look twice, The image didn't need to be tasteful  beautiful or  pleasant on the eye. In fact, I was looking for just the opposite. In order to get this message across, I wanted to show women as meat, to get the viewer to come to this opinion themselves.

In the photograph i cut a hole in the base of the chicken. I then put the Barbie doll inside ensuring that the arms were inside the chicken. I then unbound the chicken and positioned the arms so they were in the right position,

The object was taken on a white table cloth on F4 at an ISO 160. I then blew the background out in CS5 trying to maintain the shadow to give depth to the image. I changed the colour balance slightly and altered the selective colour to make a little more red.

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