Friday 28 September 2012

iconic photography

A take on the  'Here's Johnny' picture from the shining...

I have used the poster from the shining to recreate the iconic poster. Not that i think i can ever reproduce Jack Nicholson's madness from the movie. The main thing for me was the composition. The head had to be peeping through the door. The person had to look as mad as possible (or look as mad as any sane person could look, for someone who doesnt have the skills of acting) The eyes had to be looking sidewards, as though looking at someone. The mouth had to be open to give the impression of angry speech. The cropping of the photograph is essential. It has to be about the expression and the intent. I wasnt about to start hacking down my doors in my house so i improvised using a door in a slightly open position.

The lighting was also important. I needed the outside to be light yet the background through the door to be dark. I chose to take this photograph on apertur priority, ISO 400 as i didnt want to much grain so i could crop as needed on an F4 to keep as light as possible. It was taken on a canon 5D mark2 and the focal lenght was 105mm. I need to point out that this photo was taken in moderate to dark light with no flash so i needed as much light as possible.

Once the image was taken i satuated the males face, made the eyes a touch more bloodshot, and painted the doorframe giving a rougher effect to the framing. I then lightened the foreground and darkened the background before sharpening and cropping. All done in CS5.


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