Thursday 27 September 2012

The differences between abstract and representational art.

The Difference between abstract and representational art/photography.

Representational art is a piece of art that is very similar to the real subject itself. Representational art/photography is something that represents the original image. For instance, a  portrait of a man on a canvas -  This is  representational art because its easy to recognise what the subject is. It is also normally very easy to see what the image represents (details such as the period it was created are normally very clear).

Some pictures fit into both categories. It's a matter of personal perception. What some people see as a representational image, some would argue that the picture is in fact abstract. In the following picture the subject is clear, it is clear to see what the subject matter is. However, because of the artistic placement and the colours used -  it gives the element of being abstract. The three colours are so vibrant in this photograph that if this were a painting I would almost certainly say it was abstract.


Abstract art uses concepts to reflect / create images and emotions. For instance the following image represents oranges and cream. There is an element of oranges due to the shapes, colour and texture. However, there is no definite orange in the painting. Abstract art seems to be less obvious, and there for the  viewer does not feel natural to it immediately. Its very much about an emotional feeling, through your own emotional inner state. Where as representational art it obvious and natural to the viewer. The viewer assesses the image on its visual accuracy as well as the emotions it gives them.


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